Jabberwocky Curriculum
What is our curriculum?
Our curriculum consists of everything we want children to experience, learn and be able to do.
At Jabberwocky this is supporting children to become strong, independent learners, who leave our setting having been offered a wealth of learning and opportunities.
Our curriculum is intended to appreciate the different stages of learning children go through, how it is conceived, taught and experienced with the end result being that children ‘know more and are able to do more’ ultimately giving children a solid foundation for learning.
How do we do this?
Intent – what we are determined for the children to learn.
Implementation – how we will put our intentions into action.
Impact – the effect or influence the intention has had on the impact of children’s learning.
Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning
Playing and Exploring – children are curious, explore and investigate – ‘have a go’ attitude
Active Learning – children concentrate on their investigations and have a ‘can do’ attitude when difficulty arises and they are proud of their achievements
Creating and Thinking Critically – children have their own ideas and develop problem solving skills
British values
Rule of law – rules matter, defined boundaries
Democracy – everyone treated equally and has equal rights
Respect and tolerance – treat others how we wish to be treated, ethos of inclusivity of faiths, cultures and races
Individual liberty – self confidence and self awareness, positive sense of self
Cultural capital –Each child in attendance will get equal, diverse and extensive opportunities. We strive to offer every child the chance to be part of a loving, supportive community where they can become ambitious little learners with big dreams.
We do all of the above through child led learning, empowering the children and a range of different approaches to ensure our children are achieving the very best learning experiences.
The children begin to start pouring their own drinks as young as 12 months as the children progress through the rooms these skills of independence develop and progress as they do. By the time they are preschoolers children are supported to dish up their own meals, make their own sandwiches, wash up their own plates and so much more. Routine, expectations and activities are adapted appropriately to the age and stage of development in each room.
We have an outstanding amount of open ended, stimulating resources to give children endless opportunities of awe and wonder to ignite their imaginations, to encourage and engage them in play and to support their development.
We join children during their play and support their learning without taking over, we are there to engage and develop their learning through open ended questioning, below are just some examples of how we extend their learning;
We provide books and written instructions with activities so children begin to understand that text has meaning
Model and scaffold extending play to enhance and develop their learning further.
We are about the learning process and not the end product. Your child may not bring home a card with a perfect footprint but they will have made you a beautiful, hand crafted card, designed and made by them. If we paint their foot and place it on a piece of card what has the child learnt? When we give them materials, utensils and their imagination – look what they have learnt.
For children to learn they need to feel safe, secure and valued, every single one of our children is supported and nurtured to become confident capable individuals. The management team are passionate and are striving for children to have the very best start in life, the ethos is embedded in all of our staff and is passionately delivered across the nursery.