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Celebrating Valentines Day with Your Children!

Leanne Ammon

Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to shower your little one with extra love. As much as our children pretend that love is embarrassing, on Valentine’s Day displays of affection are always acceptable and well received! You could choose several of these easy ways celebrate Valentine’s Day with your children!

Place post-it notes with things you love about your child around the house – on the bathroom mirror, in their drawers, in their school backpack; the options are endless really!

If your children go to nursery or school, you could slip a note in their lunch box to remind them how much you love them. While we’re on the subject of lunch, you could even cut their sandwiches into heart shapes.

Bake Valentines cookies or cupcakes. You can even make the cookies heart shaped and decorate with sugared hearts or flowers to make them extra special. Serve them with tasty hot chocolate for a delicious valentine’s treat!

Serve a Valentine’s Day theme dinner. You could even start with a pink dessert such as a strawberry yogurt, or simply have children decorate the table with paper hearts while you cook.

Have a family Valentine’s movie night. Let your children pick their favourite films or shows and snuggle up together for some cosy family time. Nothing says ‘I love you’ more than a cuddle!

Decorate your children’s’ bedroom door with paper hearts. You could write something you love about your them on each heart.

Making our children feel special and loved is something we all what to do every single day. So, whether you choose to celebrate Valentine’s Day or not, just simply making our children feel loved is a something we should enjoy all year round. Happy Valentine’s Day!

About Us: Jabberwocky Children's Nursery is a Nursery and Preschool dedicated to providing the best that an Early Years setting has to offer in a colourful, spacious, purpose built environment. We believe in creating magical places for children and engaging children’s curiosity and imagination to inspire lifelong learning in a safe, loving, enabling environment. We embrace the fact that all children are unique and special and we strive to offer a programme of care and education that not only ensures children experience all areas of the ‘Foundation Stage Framework’ but that also appeals to every kind of learner. Jabberwocky is easy to get to from Street and also Glastonbury, Butleigh and Meare. So if you are looking for a Day Nursery in Street or looking for a Day Nursery in Glastonbury or other local Mendip Somerset towns then please come and see us! Visit the Jabberwocky Nursery website at: #valentinesday #valentinesday2023 #valentinesdaywithkids #valentinesdaywithchildren #celebratevalentinesdaywithchildren #nursery #school



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