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Have Yourself a Cosy Little Christmas!

Leanne Ammon

Are you after some ideas for things to do at Christmas with the kids to pass the time? Here are some fun and festive ways to get into the Christmas spirit!

You don’t have to rely on the tablet or the TV to get some peace, there are lots of easy and simple things you can do together as a family.

Cosy Hygge Christmas Ideas at Home

Here's some cosy ideas to do at home:

  • Have a Christmas Songs dance party. Put on your favourite Christmas songs and have a dance. This is great fun for all the family. You could even have a dance-off! The sillier the better!

  • Make gingerbread biscuits together. Not only is this a great opportunity to learn about measurements and ingredients, the kids will have great fun choosing Christmas shapes to make into gingerbread biscuits. If you are after a longer activity, you can design and make a gingerbread house. There are plenty of kits you can buy to help start you off, or you can make it from scratch.

  • Decorate Christmas cookies. You can buy cookies and then let each child decorate their own. Then you can deliver them to family, friends, and neighbours!

  • Have a Christmas film afternoon or evening together. Snuggle up under a blanket, put the lights on the tree and watch your favourite festive movies.

  • Have a hot chocolate shop. Make a few mugs of hot chocolate each with different toppings for your children to choose from. They could design a menu to help them choose which toppings they’d like.

  • Make a Christmas Library with all their favourite Christmas books to choose from. You could then snuggle up and read together in a cosy den.

  • Start a list of all the things you would like to do together in the new year. From trying a new sport, going for more walks, or experimenting with different dinners, write something for everyone and put it somewhere you’ll all see it for some new year inspiration.

Things To Do Outside

Holiday times often make getting out and about easier because you are relatively free from school and work commitments. Make the most of not having to squeeze homework into an already busy day and use the time to get out and explore.

You could:

  • Drive or walk around your local area and look at Christmas lights. Talk about the different colours you see and count how many traditional Christmas symbols you find.

  • Go to a local café for hot chocolate and gingerbread men.

  • Go Christmas shopping together as a family to pick out gifts for friends and family.

  • Put your warmest coats and boots on and go for a winter walk in the woods. Take flasks of warm drinks and talk about how the colours have changed with the season.

Things To Do with Friends & Family

Christmas is a great time to see more of your friends and family, share some fun times together and make memories.

You could:

  • Have a game night. Everyone can bring a sharing snack which can be placed at the centre of the table. Get the board games out and enjoy the laughs!

  • Go ice skating together.

  • Visit Father Christmas at the local shopping centre or look for some great grottos near you.

Crafty Things to Do At Christmas

Does the Christmas season bring out the artist in you? There are lots of ideas for craft afternoons with your kids.

You Could:

  • Write a letter to Father Christmas. The Royal Mail has lots of information online about the exact address!

  • Make a Christmas ornament to hang on the tree. These could be made from salt dough and painted, or by cutting star shapes from card and covering with glitter!

  • String some Christmas bunting together. Decorate each triangle with a Christmas picture and hang in your home.

  • Make a Christmas wreath for the front door. Cut some green card into holly leaf shapes and stick together to form a wreath. Add some fingerprints with red paint to create berries.

  • Grab some paper and make paper snowflakes. Decorate them with glitter for extra magical sparkle!

  • Use white paint to create thumbprint snowmen. Make sure to use coloured card and a black pen when they are dry to add eyes and buttons.

We hope we have given you some ideas to have a merry little Christmas time with your nearest and dearest this year!

About Us:

Jabberwocky Childrens Nursery is a Nursery and Preschool dedicated to providing the best that an Early Years setting has to offer in a colourful, spacious, purpose built environment. We believe in creating magical places for children and engaging children’s curiosity and imagination to inspire lifelong learning in a safe, loving, enabling environment. We embrace the fact that all children are unique and special and we strive to offer a programme of care and education that not only ensures children experience all areas of the ‘Foundation Stage Framework’ but that also appeals to every kind of learner.

​Jabberwocky is easy to get to from Street and also Glastonbury, Butleigh and Meare. So if you are looking for a Day Nursery in Street or looking for a Day Nursery in Glastonbury or other local Mendip Somerset towns then please come and see us!

Visit the Jabberwocky Nursery website at:



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